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- story by MaterialDistrict

AGC has taken up the challenge to combine the appearance of yesterday’s glass with today’s performances. Under the brand name Classico, AGC has launched its glazing for monumental buildings that combines characteristic glazing with high insulation values. The perfect answer to the restoration and renovation demands.

Classico is available in three versions. Handcrafted, this version bears a strong resemblance to the glass produces prior to 1920. Classic, this version approximates to the glass that was produced between 1920 and 1960. Modern, this version is comparable to glass produced after 1960. Dependent on the composition, a U value of no less than 1.0 W/(m2.K) can be achieved with a total glass thickness of just 12 mm.

Classico is available in monolithic glazing (Planibel), single laminated glass (Stratobel), single acoustic glass (Stratophone) and a double glazing version (Thermobel). The minimum and maximum dimensions depend heavily on the type of Classico.

Material Properties